• October 3, 2020 /
  • Lalit Jain /
  • 0

Introduction: Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Applications were proposed by Google in 2015 and they have acquired a lot of attention because of the out-of-the-box advantages offered to the Admin as well as users. A progressive web application makes the best combination of web and native apps by leveraging the benefits of the latest technologies. Progressive Web Apps are the applications which are built and live on the web but similar to the native apps in terms of functionality, performances, user interface and more.

Advantages of Progressive Web Application Over Native Application

Progressive Web Apps or Mobile apps? This is one of the top questions that strikes a business owner looking forward to establishing their feats in the digital world. Now, we will outline the benefits of Progressive Web Apps that will guide you to make the best decision for your online venture.

With the increasing usage of mobile phones, mobile app development has become the entrepreneur’s top choice and mobile apps started to takeover website development. However, with the introduction of PWA tuned out to be the game changer and now PWAs started to takeover native apps.

Also Read: Why businesses should opt Mobile App Development Services?

PWA Development: The best Choice in 2020 and beyond

A simple business website will not deliver the best results in terms of offering seamless user experiences Whereas Native applications have the power to deliver superior user experiences but native apps are bound with certain device restrictions and are not an affordable option for startups or SMBs.The best choice for today’s and tomorrow’s businesses is to choose Progressive Web App Development.

Why choose PWA Development?

Future benefits of Progressive Web Application

PWA Development is the best choice as PWAs reuse your website code to deliver a mobile-like experience. Users can save a PWA website as an app on their mobile phone’s home screen. At first, PWAs were delivered only through the apps, but when Gooogle noticed the PWAs popularity, it introduced PWAs to Google Play Store.

The Internet rulers have already implemented this approach, what are you waiting for?

Advantages to develop progressive web apps

1.Wider Audience Reach

PWAs works on multiple platforms, fit different screen sizes and accessible to a wide audience via an easy to share link. Users can save their time when using PWA as they don’t need to download it like in case of mobile apps.

2. Low Development Cost

A single progressive app works on different versions and different devices. This results in reduced efforts by developers and ultimately a decreased cost to create PWA. It has been observed that the development cost of PWA is 3 to 4 times less than the mobile app development cost.

3. App Like Look and Feel

Progressive web applications provide the combination of look and feel of native applications plus the website’s best performance offering enhanced user experiences. No matter what frameworks, technologies and tools are used for PWA development, they offer user experiences equivalent to mobile apps, offering similar speed, performance and capabilities of websites. PWAs are indexed by popular search engines like Google or Bing and that’s why the search engines can find PWA pages.

4. PWAs are quick to install- No hassle of rel download

Like mobile apps, PWAs do not have a lengthy, time consuming and complex installation procedure. For using the Progressive Web App, users need not download it from Google Play Store or Apple App Store, they can create the website’s icon on their mobile phones homepage screen. PWAs are easily accessible via a URL, works more efficiently than mobiles apps without capturing the mobile phone’s storage and data.

5. PWAs gets automatically updated

The functional features of PWA allow them to update automatically, eliminating the need to take permission requests, notifying users, download batch changes and re-install it like in the case of native apps. These apps update themselves without the need for human participation.

However, some of the Progressive App owners/admins send push notification for informing users about a new update.

6. PWAs Offer Easy Offline Access

A well-designed progressive Web Application does not need a network to run.

PWAs are capable to work in the offline mode or in the situation of poor internet connectivity. PWAs saves the browsing data in the cache memory allowing a progressive web app to run seamlessly in offline mode. An eCommerce PWA website with a product catalogue can be used the user in offline mode which is not a possible thing in case of native apps.

7. Enhanced Security

Progressive Apps offer an enhanced level of security as they rely upon on HTTPS for providing data security and minimizing security risks. 

8. PWAs allow hardware integration

Progressive Web Apps offers great hardware integrations. This includes some of the below features:

  • Geo Location
  • Biometric Authentication
  • USB/Bluetooth
  • Motion Sensors
  • Payments
  • Native Push Notifications

Progressive Web Apps can perform each and every task performed by a website as well as mobile applications. 

Also Read: How much does react native app development cost?

9. Improved Business Bottom Line

Companies who have adopted PWA development reported increases sales, customer repeat visits, higher engagement rates. Businesses have gained immense benefits from PWA Development.

If you want to convert your existing website into progressive apps, contact us to know the cost to develop PWA.

What are the top features of Progressive Web Apps?

progressive web application

Scope of progressive web apps: The future of seamless mobile experience

How many mobile apps do you download daily, weekly or monthly?

Do your phone has sufficient space when you download a new one?

Do you delete an existing app to download a new one?

Statistics show that 51 % of smartphone users from U.S downloads zero apps per month. And only 13% of mobile users from the U.S download only one app in a month. These figures somehow indicate that users are turning away from native apps. And the reason could be anything ranging from low storage, lengthy mobile app download process to inability to operate when offline. Google Play Store and Apple Store are loaded with millions of apps and a great portion of the U.S population is not even downloading one app per month. Looks quite strange?

  • From Twitter to Trivago, dozens of large enterprises have opted PWA Development and experienced impressive returns. 
  • Twitter experienced a 65% increase in pages per session, tweets increased by 75% with a 20% decrease in bounce rates. The app size reduced by 97% which is the greatest victory.
  • Initially, the page load speed of Forbe’s site was 6.5 seconds and after PWA Development, Forbe’s website loads in just 2.5 seconds.
  • After PWA Development, Starbucks reported a 2x increase in its daily active users. Starbuck’s Progressive App takes just 233 KB of data storage, while its iOS mobile app needs 148 MB.
  • Trivago’s PWA website is built in 33 languages, works seamlessly across 55 countries. After PWA Development, a great number of users have added Trivago’s website to their smartphone’s home screen, the user engagement increased significantly by 150%.

Progressive Web Application


How much does it cost to develop PWA?

The PWA development cost depends entirely on the business requirements and the features, functionalities a business owner wants in the web app. The future benefits of the progressive web application can overweigh the cost to develop PWA. Building a Progressive web app fulfils the needs of both website development and mobile application development.  Since there is a huge rise in smartphone users, Progressive Web Apps can help businesses to reach their target userbase conveniently. 

Estimated PWA Development Cost:  $3,000 to $20,000.

Final Thoughts

Progressive Web Apps offers businesses with great opportunities to deliver an app-like web experience with enhanced features at an awesome speed. The PWA technology is the perfect blend of latest web features and native app features to deliver app-like experiences to users Also, PWAs enable users to install apps with just single codebase, without the need to download and update from app stores. The advantages to develop Progressive Web Apps explained above gives enough reasons to develop a one for your business.

If your current business website or native application is facing challenges to produce the desired business outcomes, it’s a great time to embrace this new technology: Progressive Web Apps, talk to our experts.

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