• September 29, 2020 /
  • Lalit Jain /
  • 0

The dream of virtual reality is coming true with the influx of on-demand virtual reality app development. In this highly-competitive world of technological advancement, where yesterday’s most praised innovative technology is becoming outdated today, virtual reality is attracting a huge audience base. The people’s awareness of virtual reality is increasing rapidly and so do the businesses are looking forward to implementing this emerging technology and VR on-demand mobile app development.

on-demand virtual reality app development

Why Virtual Reality on-demand App Development has gained popularity?

1. Immersive User Experience

On-demand Virtual reality app development provides an entirely entrancing experience to mobile app users.  The Virtual Reality based custom mobile solutions help business owners in increasing their sales and conversions, revenue and ultimately business goals. A mobile app powered with virtual reality can help business owners to make most out the virtual world. The experienced mobile app developers can integrate the VR features successfully offering interactive experiences to users through advanced simulations that work collectively with sensory responses. A VR app can keep your employees, customers, and stakeholders engaged and help in improving business performance.

2. Interactive Promotion

In today’s business scenario, websites and mobiles app represents a company digitally. A website and mobile applications are the true faces of your company which can build brand reputation. Mobile apps can send personalises notifications to the target audience, loyal customers, promote products and services by offering discount coupons, and other promotional offers. When the concept of VR gets integrate with mobile apps, these business activities can get a new life, become more interactive and engaging, offer a long-lasting impression on users. The VR app will give a competitive edge over traditional native applications when it comes to growing brand awareness, running marketing campaigns on multiple platforms and more. Also, companies can host virtual events with their stakeholders and customers, taking the business to a new level.

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3. Increased Efficiency

VR technology helps to establish effective communication in the organization leading to increased efficiency. Facebook – the biggest Social media platform organizes VR-based sessions or conferences focused to boost the company’s efficiency and productivity. Switching to VR powered mobile apps can remove work hindrances due to geographical distance,  save travelling expenses by eliminating the need to travel for work reasons and thus improving the efficiency of the workforce. 

A2ZFame can build VR-powered conference apps equipped with myriad interactive features like voice chat, emoticons, instant messaging, etc. ensuring a real-time collaboration. We are an experienced mobile app development company offering innovative app solutions as per client’s business model and project needs. Our mobile app developers can help companies in organizing cost-effective training sessions and conferences.

Popular VR Apps

  • Alumette
  • Colosse
  • Google Earth VR
  • Ocean Rift

Which industries can reap the benefits of VR on-demand mobile app development?

on demand virtual reality mobile app development

What features Virtual Reality On-demand App Development should include?

No matter what your specific project needs are,  the VR-based mobile app should definitely have the below features:

  1. The app should support different media types like 4K video, 8K video, etc.
  2. The app should work on multiple platforms like Android, Samsung Gear VR,  iOS, HTC VIVE, Oculus Rift, etc.
  3. When you use a VR app in confederation with your other apps then VR app should be in sync with such apps.
  4. The VR app should offer stereoscopic 3D experience, by supporting 180 3D and 360 3D.
  5. The app should be reconcilable with professional VR cameras.
  6. The app should also work in offline mode
  7. The app should have the capability to provide detailed analytics for analyzing users tracking data.

The variables from estimating the cost to make Virtual Reality App

1. The Development Team

The Development Team include:

  • Project Manager
  • Software Architect
  • Business Analysts
  • UI/UX Designers
  • VR Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Android and iOS developers
  • Quality Analyst

2. IT Infrastructure Cost

You can use AWS (Amazon Web Services) for fulfilling the IT infrastructure needs. With the excellent AWS managed cloud services like AWS, 

  1. Sign up for AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). in case you need infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS).
  2. To address the needs like  networking, databases, operating system, middleware, and runtime environment, you can use AWS Elastic Beanstalk–  Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 
  3. You can use AWS Amplify for developing performant and scalable mobile apps
  4. You may check the AWS pricing plans on its website and select an appropriate tier.

3. Tools Cost Estimation

Amazon  Sumerian

Amazon Sumerian – the reputed Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality solution from Amazon can be used easily on AWS cloud platforms.

Advantages of using Amazon  Sumerian As The VR Solution

  1. Easy for developers to make VR Apps with it
  2. Works well with top VR platforms like Oculus Go, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift etc.
  3. Supports both Android and iOS.

Experitest Test Automation Aids

We recommend you to use test automation aids from Experitest to get the following solutions:

  1. To test your VR mobile apps’ compatibility with different browsers and mobile devices.
  2. To test your VR mobile app’s compatibility with different versions of browsers and devices.
  3. To get excellent test reports and analytics.

WRIKE for Project Management

We recommend WRIKE -a robust tool for efficient project management.

Other Tools:

You may use free tools like Android Studio, and Xcode for VR on-demand mobile app development. To get more information about Java License, you may click here.

4. Administrative Cost

  • Hiring cost: This depends on the geographical location of the developer or mobile app development company you are partnering with.
  • Travel and communication cost of the IT team.

Types of VR Apps we can build:

  1. Simple VR Apps
  2. Ecommerce Apps
  3. Training simulators
  4. 3D games.
  5. Social VR Apps
  6. Multi-user presentation apps, etc.

Worldwide Virtual Reality App Revenue

on- demand


Looking to virtual reality on-demand app development?

There are numerous mobile app development companies that offer on-demand virtual reality app development. However, you should select the one with proven past experience and VR expertise. A great option is partnering with A2ZFame which can build successful VR apps.

Get In Touch

Hire us today for experienced website design & web development company located in Jaipur, Indiathat design and develop Responsive websites also.

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